
Clampett Alert! Zynga Launches First Original Online Game: FrontierVille.

The fast-growing social games start-up, Zynga–which recently penned distribution deals with Facebook and Yahoo (YHOO)–rolled out its first original online game today, called FrontierVille.

According to the San Francisco-based Zynga, most social games are iterations on other games already out there. Its flagship game, FarmVille, for example, wasn’t the first farm game.

The Wild West-themed FrontierVille is also the first game from well-known game designer Brian Reynolds, who has previously created Rise of Nations, Civilization II and others.

“FrontierVille is Oregon Trail meets Little House on the Prairie meets FarmVille,” said Reynolds in a statement about the game, where you start with a covered wagon and a plot of land.

There are also varmints to rassle with.

Someone go down to the cement pond to fetch Granny, Elly Mae and Jethro, stat!